piazza duomo square - the brindisi cathedral

Around this square some of the most important monuments of Christianity in Brindisi were designed and built, above all the 'Duomo'; the beautiful Cathedral.


Photo of the Cathedral-duomo- in Brindisi-Puglia-Italy

The Duomo (Basilica di S. Giovanni Battista) dates back to the Norman age and was dedicated to St. John the Baptist (in 1089 Pope Urbano II consecrated the perimeter) and was completely rebuilt after the collapse due to the terrible earthquake of 1743. The building preserves its medieval layout, but only a few fragments of the ancient mosaic floor have survived. On the top of the apse right - outer side –there is a kind of  inscription, probably attributable to the architect builder of the Duomo.

Photo by night of the Cathedral-duomo- in Brindisi-Puglia-Italy

san teodoro d'amasea

The cathedral also houses the sacred remains of Brindisi's city patron saint St. Theodore of Amasea, who is  co-patron saint with San Lorenzo of Brindisi, a Capuchin Friar from the 16th century. The Cathedral has witnessed not only many crusaders and pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land, but also hosted the second marriage of Frederick II, the Swabian emperor . On 9 November 1225 he married his teenage bride here, Yolande of Brienne.

Inside picture of the Cathedral-duomo- in Brindisi-Puglia-Italy

extra beautiful around christmas time

The square is always magically beautiful in the evenings, but in the period around Christmas it is even more special. An amazing  magical light show is then projected on the facade of the church.

Christmas time photo of the Cathedral-duomo- in Brindisi-Puglia-Italy

nice to see around the square

  • Monumento alla Madonna Pellegrina: this is the statue on the colon with on top of the pilgrim's Saint Mary.
  • On the left side of the cathedral: Museo Archeologico Francesco Ribezzo with showcase of archaeological relics including bronze statues, stone carvings & ornate crockery. There's also a beautiful patio. 
  • On the right side of the Duomo are the Episcopal Palace and the former 'Palazzo del Seminario' designed in 1720 by Mauro Manieri. On the second balcony one can see eight stone statues representing  ethics, theology, mathematics, philosophy, jurisprudence, poetry and rhetoric. Here you can find the Museum Diocesano G. Tarantini, Canon of Brindisi in the 1800s.
  • If you leave the square on Via Giovanni Tarantini, you will find the spectacular Loggia Balsamo (4th century) immediately on the right corner. 

how to get there 

Piazza Duomo is located in the heart of the historic city center and is best accessible on foot during a city walk. The Cathedral in general is open every day from 8:30 am–12:30 pm and from 4:30–8:30 pm.  Times may vary depending the season and on holidays.