the loggia balsamo and the pious schools

These two little gems are a must-see leaving the Piazza Duomo and walking up Via Giovanni Tarantini.

Picture from the street in Brindisi showing Loggia Balsamo balcony

ancient loggia in amazing condition

This loggia is an extra suprise after visiting the Duomo square.  It was owned by the Balsamo family since the 19th century. But it dates back to the 14th century.  The loggia is considered by many local historians to be part of the ancient building of the Mint,  active in the Angevin period.  Above the 2 ogival arches you can observe a balcony supported by 9 richly carved shelves and they are joined by small arches. All decorated, with 36 allegorical figures, 4 per shelf. The figures refer to the mysterious medieval symbolism.

Picture with details  showing Loggia Balsamo balcony

scuola pie

In the 17th century Brindisi became in a situation of such a cultural deterioration, that the former archbishop Francesco de Estrada gathered the 'Scolopi' monks  in order to spread education in the city. These monks dedicated themselves mainly to the education and Christian education of young people and children and came from the the Pious Schools (the first free schools). They arrived in the city on Sunday, 27th January, 1664. On 4th February, the first lessons started, after a week of celebraties.

To accommodate the monks, the archbishop bought Celestini’s old monastery for 500 ducats. The Pious Schools became such an important place that in 1707 they hosted about 200 students. The structure was enlarged several times until 13th February, 1807, on the day the order of Scolopi unfortunately was suppressed. As from the second half of the 19th century the monastery was used as a prison until the year 1937. Nowadays it hosts an Artisan Court and it's a nice location for several cultural- and gastronomy events in Brindisi.

Photo of small courtyard entering Scuole Pie in Brindisi Sothern Italy

how to get there

This area can be found in the historical centre of Brindisi, best accessibele by foot.  Both sights are located in Via Giovanni Tarantini.  Walking from the piazza Duomo you will find the Loggia Balsamo immediately on your right hand. Walk a little further up the street and on your left you will find the Scuola Pie. You can recognize it by the beautiful decorated dome towe in pink-yellow-green.