the fishermen's village and the stairs to the statue of mary

Just across the water you will find this picturesque old neighborhood of Brindisi in the Casale district. Also known for the statue of Ave Maris Stella.

Photo of fishermen's village Brindisi

typical picturesque ancient fishing district

Check out this small ancient fishermen's village where, walking along the quay,
you can enjoy the colored boats and you may see some fishermen at work repairing their nets.

mary: star of the sea

Walk up the delightful staircase surmounted by the niche containing a beautiful statue of the Ave Maris Stella.  For ages the Brindisi people of the sea have called on her for protection.

Photo of Mary Star of the Sea Brindisi

how to get there 

You can easily reach this northern part of Brindisi within 10 minutes by taking the water taxi (STP) from the Brindisi boulevard near Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II. You can then also view the other sights on the other side of the water, like the Monumento al Marinaio.

 Photo of STP Water taxi  Brindisi, moving in the water of the internal port

The STP Water taxi  that will bring you to he other side of Brindisi in about ten minutes.