the monument to the italian sailor

The 'Monumento al Marinaio d'Italia' is one of the great symbols of the town: a huge rudder, which is impossible not to notice if you arrive in Brindisi from the sea or when you walk on Brindisi boulevard. Get up to the roof to admire one of the best landscapes of Brindisi !

Photo of the monumento al marinaio, tourism hotspot in Brindisi

built to commemorate fallen Italian sailors

This monument,  which looks like a seated stone cat for the most imaginative people, was built in 1932 to commemorate the Italian sailors fallen during the First World War. It stands out on the port for its height and its position. The building was built in concrete and later covered in 'Carparo stone', a stone that marks a lot of monuments in Brindisi.

On each side of the huge rudder you can see a canon removed from Austro-Hungarian submarines. At the base of the stairway that leads to the entrance of the monument, you can see the anchors of 'Saida', an Austrian light cruiser.

The monument  overlooks the harbour and is surrounded by a beautiful green area and there is also a playground where children can have fun.

Photo canon at  the monumento al marinaio, tourism hotspot in Brindisi

relics on the way up

When you visit this nice place you can’t miss to see it's interior: the rooms where relics are exhibited; the stairway with a photographic path that narrates the different phases of the monument building. 

And don't forget the roof, ideal place to admire one of the best landscapes of Brindisi. Just from the top of its 53 meters of height, the monument allows to have a complete panoramic view on the harbour and on the historic city centre. Don't worry there's an elevator!

Foto of fishermen's village Brindisi

the little church

From the front square you can get into the crypt in which the statue of 'Our Lady, Star of the Sea' is preserved. In the little church below there are some ampoules containing waters of the all  oceans where  Italian military ships sank. You can also see the original bell of the battleship  'Benedetto Brin' , that sunk in the port of Brindisi in 1915. 

Foto of crypt Star of the Sea in Puglia, Brindisi

idea for a drink

Are you thirsty, or would you like to sit down for an aperitif? Then walk from the back of the monument towards the Casale district. Immediately on the right after a few meters you will find the bar La Cappannina.

Photo of bar close to the monumento al marinaio in Brindisi

how to get there 

The monument opens daily (Wednesdays excluded) from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 4:00 pm to  8:00 pm. Times may vary depending the season and on holidays. You pay a few euros for entrance.

You can best reach the monument by taking the water taxi (STP) from the Brindisi boulevard near Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II. You can then also view the other sights on the other side of the water, like Villaggio Pescatori.

 Foto of STP Water taxi  Brindisi

The STP Water taxi  that will bring you to he other side of Brindisi in about ten minutes.

Panoramic view from the roof