church of santa maria degli angeli

The Church of  Santa Maria degli Angeli  (St. Mary of Angels) was built in the XV century by will of the  capuchin friar Julio Cesar Russo from Brindisi, who later became Saint Lawrence.

elegant facade with wooden door

Photo of Santa Maria degli Angeli church in Brindisi center

This church has a very elegant facade with a wooden door from the XVII century. The door offers bas-reliefs of several important saints. In the old days the facade of the church used to be along the Via San Lorenzo, but nowadays it's on the left side of the church.

relics and holy pieces from saint lawrence 

Inside the building you can find 4 lateral chapels for each side. In one of the chapels some relics from Saint Lawrence and some holy pieces bought by himself are kept. This includes an ivory crucifix and the cross used in the battle of Albareale (1601). Valuable tems further are: the wooden pulpit (XVII century), the painting on the ceiling and the 'Our Lady among Angels' painting on the main altar.

Photo of the inside of Santa Maria degli Angeli church in Brindisi center

how to get there 

The church of Santa Maria degli Angeli is located in the heart of the historic city center and is best accessible on foot during a Brindisi City Walk. The church is usually open every day. However times may vary depending the season and on holidays.