dune costiere torre canne - torre san leonardo

breath taking nature

The Coastal Dunes Regional Natural Park Torre Canne - Torre San Leonardo are located about 45 km North of Brindisi city. They cover the territories of Ostuni and Fasano on approximately 1,100 acres along eight kilometers of coastline. The natural park  extends until the internal agricultural areas occupied by centuries-old olive groves and ancient farms (called Masserie). The boundary follows the course of the lame- small erosive furrows, typical of this Apulian countryside- for a total of 55 kilometers.

This  is called a Site of Community Importance (SCI) 'Brindisi Coast', including the European network 'Natura 2000',  whose goal is to preserve natural habitats and species of plants and animals in danger of extinction. This SCI is in fact characterized by high value coastal wetlands, inhabited by rare and endangered species of flora and fauna, which reproduce here or during their migration periods.

Fiume Morelli
Also the wetland of Fiume Morelli is of great interest being  an area equipped with bridges, benches and paths. Here, within the coastal ponds that make up the wetland, it is possible to observe various species of migratory birds. And you can admire the system of sand dunes along the coast which are of a rare beauty. 

great for trekking

For trekking lovers it is possible to follow internal paths that lead to discover farms, karst blades and once inhabited caves crossing boundless beautiful landscapes. One of the most beautiful areas of the park is the internal zone, characterized by the presence of a very varied landscape full of interesting elements.

how to get there

An easy way to visit the park is by using the 'Albergabici' as a starting point. This  is a B&B and information point  located in the hamlet of Montalbano between the municipalities of Ostuni and Fasano, in the heart of the Coastal Dunes Park. Inside you can find a large parking for cars and busses where you can leave your vehicle and start visiting the park on foot, by bicycle,  or on horseback.

Cycling excursions suitable for the whole family depart daily from the Albergabici to discover the most interesting places accompanied by an expert cycle guide or independently by renting bicycles or just picking up a map at the info point.